e-mail: toksykologia@ur.edu.pl
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K. Jurowski, M. Krośniak, The comprehensive strategy in the human health risk assessment of total chromium impurities in cough syrups with Marshmallow Root (Althaea officinalis) available in Polish pharmacies: regulatory aspects and special emphasis on Cr(VI) mode of action, Scientific Reports (IF 4.6; 140 pkt MEiN) doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-56057-7
Ł. Niżnik, J. Toporowska-Kaźmierak, K. Jabłońska, N. Głąb, S. Stach, J. Florek, M. Sowińska, A. Adamczyk, K. Jurowski, Toxicovigilance 2.0 – modern approaches for the hazard identification and risk assessment of toxicants in human beings: a review, Toxicology (IF 4.5; 100 pkt MEiN) accepted manuscript TOX-24-105R1
M. Noga, A. Michalska, K. Jurowski, The acute toxicity of Novichok's degradation products using quantitative and qualitative toxicology in silico methods, Archives of Toxicology (IF 6.168; 140 pkt MEiN) 2024, 10.1007/s00204-024-03695-5
M. Noga, A. Michalska, K. Jurowski, The Prediction of Hydrolysis and Biodegradation of Organophosphorus-Based Chemical Warfare Agents (G-Series and V-Series) Using Toxicology In Silico Methods, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (IF 6.8; 100 pkt MEiN) doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2024.116018
A. Frydrych, K. Jurowski, The comprehensive prediction of carcinogenic potency and tumorigenic dose (TD50) for two problematic N-nitrosamines in food: NMAMPA and NMAMBA using toxicology in silico methods, Chemico-Biological Interactions (IF 5.1; 100 pkt MEiN) 2024, 389, 2024, 110864, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbi.2024.110864
M. Noga, A. Michalska, K. Jurowski, The prediction of acute toxicity (LD50) for organophosphorus-based chemical warfare agents (V-series) using toxicology in silico methods, Archives of Toxicology (IF 6.168; 140 pkt MEiN) 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00204-023-03632-y
Kobylarz, D., Michalska, A., Jurowski, K. Field portable X-ray fluorescence (FP-XRF) as powerful, rapid, non-destructive and ‘white analytical tool’for forensic sciences-State of the art. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, (IF 13.1; 200 pkt MEiN), 2023, 117355. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trac.2023.117355
Jurowski, K. The toxicological assessment of hazardous elements (Pb, Cd and Hg) in low-cost jewelry for adults from Chinese E-commerce Platforms: in situ analysis by portable X-Ray Fluorescence measurement. Journal of Hazardous Materials (IF 13.6; 200 pkt MEiN), 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.132167
I. Bialas, S. Zelent-Kraciuk, K. Jurowski, The Skin Sensitisation of Cosmetic Ingredients: Review of Actual Regulatory Status, Toxics (IF 4.472; 70 pkt MEiN) 2023, 11(4), 392; https://doi.org/10.3390/toxics11040392
K. Jurowski, M. Krośniak, The toxicological analysis of lead impurities in traditional herbal medicinal product with Thymi herba (Thymus vulgaris L. and Thymus zygis L.) from Pharmacies in Poland: the impurity profile and comprehensive toxicological risk assessment, Natural Products Research (IF 2.488; 70 pkt MEiN) (2022) (accepted manuscript)
K. Jurowski, E. Kondratowicz-Pietruszka, M. Krośniak, The control and comprehensive safety assessment of heavy metals impurities (As, Pb and Cd) in green tea Camellia sinensis (L.) samples (infusions) available in Poland, Biological Trace Element Research (IF 4.081; 70 pkt MEiN) (2023) Submission ID 158aaeed-169d-457d-a054-cd45d1cd2947
M. Noga, A. Michalska, K. Jurowski, Review of Possible Therapies in Treatment of Novichoks Poisoning and HAZMAT/CBRNE Approaches: State of the Art, J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12(6), 2221 (IF = 4.964; 140 pkt MEiN); https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm12062221
M. Noga, A. Frydrych, J. Milan, K. Jurowski, Toxicological aspects, safety assessment and green toxicolog of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) – critical review: state of the art, International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IF 6,208; 140 pkt MEiN) 2023, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24(6), 5133; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24065133
A. Frydrych, M. Krośniak, K. Jurowski, The role of chosen essential elements (Zn, Cu, Se, Fe, Mn) in food for special medical purposes (FSMP) dedicated to oncology patients - critical review: state of the art, Nutrients (IF 6,706; 140 pkt MEiN) 2023, 15(4), 1012; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15041012
K. Jurowski, M. Krośniak, The Toxicological Risk Assessment of Dermal Exposure of Patients Exposed to Lead and Cadmium due to Application of Ointments with Marjoram Herb Extract (Majoranae Herbae Extractum), Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health (IF 4.614; 140 pkt MEiN) 2023, 20(3), 2701; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20032701
M. Noga, K. Jurowski. What do we currently know about Novichoks? The state of the art, Archives of Toxicology (IF 6.168; 140 pkt MEiN) 2023, accepted manuscript, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00204-022-03437-5
2022 - 2021
J. Milan, A. Frydrych, M. Noga, E. Kondratowicz-Pietruszka, M. Krośniak, K. Jurowski, The Control of Novel and Traditional Elemental Impurities: Ag, Au, Co, Cs, Li, Mo, Se, Sr, and V in Mint Tea Infusions (Peppermint, Mentha piperita L.) Available in Poland: A Health Risk Assessment, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health (IF 4.614; 140 pkt MEiN) 2022, 19(24), 16564; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192416564 (link)
K. Jurowski, Ł. Paprotny, M. Zakrzewski, D. Wianowska, J. Kasprzyk-Pochopień, M. Herman, K. Madej, W. Piekoszewski, T. Kubrak, The Development of New Methodology for Determination of Vincristine (VCR) in Human Serum Using LC-MS/MS-Based Method for Medical Diagnostics, Molecules (IF 4.927; 140 pkt MEiN) 2022, 27(22), 7945 https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27227945
K. Jurowski, M. Krośniak, The toxicological risk assessment (TRA) of total chromium impurities in Menthae piperitae tinctura (Mentha x piperita L., folium) available in Polish pharmacies including regulatory approaches with special emphasis of Cr speciation and genotoxicity, Biological Trace Element Research (IF 3.738, 70 pkt MEiN) (2022) https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-022-03367-4 (link)
K. Jurowski, The estimation of Permitted Daily Exposure (PDE) values for Myroxylon balsamum (L.) Harms var. pereirae (Royle) Harms, balsamum (balsam of Peru) for regulatory toxicology purposes: application of various toxicological strategies, Natural Products Research (IF 2.862; 70 pkt MEiN) 2023, 37 (10) 1698–1701 https://doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2022.2103811 (link)
K. Jurowski, E. Kondratowicz-Pietruszka, M. Krośniak, The Toxicological Safety Assessment of Heavy Metal Impurities (As, Pb, and Cd) in Mint Tea Infusions (Mentha piperita L.) Available in Polish Markets, Biological Trace Element Research (IF 3.738; 70 pkt MEiN) (2022) https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-022-03348-7 (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Krośniak, Lead impurities in traditional herbal medicinal products with Plantago lanceolata L., folium (Ribwort Plantain leaves) available in Polish pharmacies – toxicological risk assessment for adults, Natural Products Research (IF 2.862; 70 pkt MEiN) (2022) (Published: 29 Sep 2022) https://doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2022.2128345
K. Jurowski, M. Krośniak, Cadmium impurities in traditional herbal medicinal products with Thymi herba available in Polish pharmacies – short communication: the level of Cd impurities and comprehensive toxicological risk assessment, Natural Products Research (IF 2.862, 70 pkt MEiN) (2022) (Published: 23 Jun 2022) https://doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2022.2089987 (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Krosniak, The Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals impurities (Cd and Pb) in Herbal Medicinal Products as Menthae piperitae tinctura (Mentha x piperita L., folium) available in Pharmacies from Poland, Toxics (IF 4.472; 70 pkt MEiN) 2022, 10(5), 273, https://doi.org/10.3390/toxics10050273 (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Krosniak, The Toxicological Assessment of Content and Exposure of Heavy Metals (Pb and Cd) in Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products with Marshmallow Root (Althaea officinalis L., radix) from Polish Pharmacies, Toxics (IF 4.472; 70 pkt MEiN) 2022, 10(4), 188, https://doi.org/10.3390/toxics10040188 (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Fołta, B. Tatar, M. Krosniak, The comprehensive toxicological assessment of total chromium impurities in traditional herbal medicinal product with Thymi herba (Thymus vulgaris L. and Thymus zygis L.) available in pharmacies in Poland: short communication guideline, Biological Trace Element Research (IF 3.738) 2022, 200, 2983–2988, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-021-02864-2 (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Fołta, B. Tatar, M. Krosniak, The level of cadmium impurities in traditional herbal medicinal products with Plantago lanceolata L., folium (ribwort plantain leaves) available in Polish pharmacies - comprehensive toxicological risk assessment including regulatory point of view and ICH Q3D elemental impurities guideline, Biological Trace Element Research (IF 3.738; 70 pkt MEiN) 2022, 200, 2963–2969 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-021-02861-5 (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Fołta, B. Tatar, M. Berkoz, M. Krosniak, The Health Risk Assessment of Essential Elemental Impurities (Cu, Mn and Zn) Through the Dermal Exposure of Herbal Ointment Extracted From Marjoram herb (Majoranae herbae extractum), Biological Trace Element Research (IF 3.738; 70 pkt MEiN) 2022, 200, 1981–1987, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-021-02842-8 (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Fołta, B. Tatar, M. Berkoz, M. Krosniak, The Toxicological Risk Assessment of Cu, Mn, and Zn as Essential Elemental Impurities in Herbal Medicinal Products with Valerian Root (Valeriana officinalis L., radix) Available in Polish Pharmacies, Biological Trace Element Research (IF 3.738) 2022, 200, 1949-1955 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-021-02779-y (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Fołta, B. Tatar, M. Berkoz, M. Krosniak, The Toxicological Risk Assessment of Dermal Exposure of Patients Exposed to Nickel and Chromium due to Application of Ointments with Marjoram Herb Extract (Majoranae Herbae Extractum) Available in Polish Pharmacies, Biological Trace Element Research (IF 3.738) 2022, 200, 1965–197 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-021-02798-9 (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Fołta, B. Tatar, M. Berkoz, M. Krosniak, The Toxicological Risk Assessment of Lead and Cadmium in Valeriana officinalis L., radix (Valerian root) as Herbal Medicinal Product for the Relief of Mild Nervous Tension and Sleep Disorders Available in Polish Pharmacies, Biological Trace Element Research (IF = 3,2738) 2022, 200, 904–909, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-021-02691-5 (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Fołta, B. Tatar, M. Berkoz, M. Krosniak, Ni and Cr impurities profile in Valeriana officinalis L., radix-based herbal medicinal product available in polish pharmacies due to ICH Q3D guideline, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology (IF 3.271) 2021, 123, 104945, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yrtph.2021.104945 (link)
2020 - 2013
A. Trzos, K. Łyziński, K. Jurowski, Emergency Medical Services in CBRNE/HAZMAT Incidents, Safety & Fire Technology (2019) 54(2):142-159, https://doi.org/10.12845/sft.54.2.2019.11 (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Krosniak, M. Fołta, B. Tatar, M. Cole, W. Piekoszewski, The analysis of Cu, Mn and Zn content in prescription food for special medical purposes and modified milk products for newborns and infants available in Polish pharmacies from toxicological and nutritional point of view, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology (IF 3.75) 2019, 53, 144-149, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtemb.2019.03.001 (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Krosniak, M. Fołta, B. Tatar, M. Cole, W. Piekoszewski, The toxicological analysis of Cu, Mn and Zn as elemental impurities in pharmaceutical herbal products for teething available in pharmacies in Poland, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology (IF = 3.75) 2019, 53, 109-112, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtemb.2019.02.011 (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Krosniak, M. Fołta, B. Tatar, M. Cole, W. Piekoszewski, The toxicological analysis of Ni and Cr in prescription food for special medical purposes and modified milk products for babies in infancy available in pharmacies in Poland, Biological Trace Element Research (IF 2.36) 2019, 192, 129–135, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-019-01667-w (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Krosniak, M. Fołta, B. Tatar, M. Cole, W. Piekoszewski, Safety Assessment of the Trace Element Impurities Ni and Cr in Pharmaceutical Herbal Products for Teething from Polish Pharmacies, Biological Trace Element Research (IF 2.36) 2019, 191, 517–521, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-019-1643-8 (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Krosniak, M. Fołta, M. Cole, W. Piekoszewski, Toxicological analysis of Pb and Cd by ET AAS in local anaesthetics for teething (teething gels) based on herbs available in Polish pharmacies, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology (IF 3.75) 2019, 52, 18-21, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtemb.2018.11.005 (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Krosniak, M. Fołta, M. Cole, W. Piekoszewski, The toxicological analysis of lead and cadmium in prescription food forspecial medical purposes and modified milk products for newborns andinfants available in Polish pharmacies, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology (IF 3.75) 2019, 51, 73-78, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtemb.2018.10.007 (link)
A. Polus, M. Bociaga-Jasik, U. Czech, J. Góralska, U. Cialowicz, M. Chojnacka, M. Polus, K. Jurowski, A. Dembinska-Kiec, The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV1) protease inhibitor saquinavir activates autophagyand removes lipids deposited in lipid droplets, Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (IF 2.883) 2017, 68, 283-293 (link)
K. Jurowski, K. Kochan, J. Walczak, M. Barańska, W. Piekoszewski, B. Buszewski, Analytical techniques in lipidomics: state of the art, Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry (IF 2.692) 2017, 47, 418-437, https://doi.org/10.1080/10408347.2017.1310613 (link)
K. Jurowski, K. Kochan, J. Walczak, M. Barańska, W. Piekoszewski, B. Buszewski, Comprehensive review of trends and analytical strategies applied for biological samples preparation and storage in modern medical lipidomics: state of the art, Trends in Analytical Chemistry (IF 7.487) 2017, 86, 276–289, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trac.2016.10.014 (link)
A. Jurowska, K. Jurowski, J. Szklarzewicz, B. Buszewski, T. Kalenik, W. Piekoszewski, Molybdenum metallopharmaceuticals candidate compounds – the „Renaissance” of molybdenum metallodrugs?, Current Medicinal Chemistry (IF 3.853) 2016, 23(29), 3322-3342, https://doi.org/10.2174/0929867323666160504103743 (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Krzeczkowska, A. Jurowska, Approaches To Determining the Oxidation State of Nitrogen and Carbon Atoms in Organic Compounds for High School Students, Journal of Chemical Education (IF 1.106) 2015, 92, 1645-1652, https://doi.org/10.1021/ed500645v (link)
K. Jurowski, B. Buszewski, W. Piekoszewski, Bioanalytics in quantitive (bio)imaging/mapping of metallic elements in biological samples, Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry (IF 2.692) 2015, 45, 334-347, https://doi.org/10.1080/10408347.2014.941455 (link)
K. Jurowski, B. Buszewski, W. Piekoszewski, The analytical calibration in (bio)imaging/mapping of the metallic elements in biological samples – Definitions, nomenclature and strategies: State of the art, Talanta (IF 3.511) 2015, 131, 273-285, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2014.07.089 (link)
K. Jurowski, M. Szewczyk, W. Piekoszewski, M. Herman, B. Szewczyk, G. Nowak, S. Walas, N. Miliszkiewicz, A. Tobiasz, J Dobrowolska-Iwanek, Standard sample preparing and calibration procedure of (bio)imaging zinc and magnesium in rats’ brain tissue by laser ablation – inductively coupled plasma – time of flight – mass spectrometry, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (IF 3.396) 2014, 29, 1425-1431, https://doi.org/10.1039/C3JA50378J (link)
K. Jurowski, B. Szewczyk, G. Nowak, W. Piekoszewski, Erratum to Biological consequence of zinc deficiency in the pathomechanisms of selected diseases, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (IF 3.164), 2015, 20, 1219, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00775-015-1293-z (link)
K. Jurowski, B. Szewczyk, G. Nowak, W. Piekoszewski, Biological consequence of zinc deficiency in the pathomechanisms of selected diseases, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (IF 3.164), 2014, 19, 1069-1079, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00775-014-1139-0 (link)
K. Jurowski, S. Walas, W. Piekoszewski, A calibration strategy in bioimaging trace elements in rat brain tissue by LA ICP-TOF-MS method, Talanta (IF 3.511) 2013, 115, 195-199, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2013.04.055 (link)